
Fallout 4 syringer mod
Fallout 4 syringer mod

fallout 4 syringer mod

If that’s still not enough, try using the Mod “Syringer Overhaul” which adds even more ridiculous functions. You can even induce Frenzy, which makes people stick together. You can paralyze targets, blind them, or poison them with Syringer. Finally, you’ll be able to unlock a variety of weird, wonderful syringe ammo that causes chaos – like the Bloatfly Larva Syringe, which causes fireflies to spawn from corpses. One of the weirdest weapons in Fallout 4 is the Syringer. Requirement: Syringer + Mod “Overhaul Syringer” Syringer Only Silliness Build – Fallout 4 builds This is one of the Fallout 4 builds we recommend for you. No more rushing to protect your settlers from bandits! And you can even get Power Armor Minutemen to aid you in battle. This mod instantly reduces the number of Minutemen Radiant Quests you will receive, increases the range of Flare Guns, and gains more control over your faction with the Special Command Panel at the Castle.įrom here, you can create new Minutemen NPCs and send them to guard your settlements throughout Boston. To change every things up, try downloading the “We Are The Minutemen!” mod – a mod that completely improves Minutemen Faction, making them more powerful and less aggravating. The Minutemen are the default faction you’ll join early on in Fallout 4, but their methods of indoctrinating civilization can get annoying the further you get into the game. Requirements: Need “We Are The Minutemen!” Mod Stealth Shooter Build – Fallout 4 builds.Syringer Only Silliness Build – Fallout 4 builds.Revolutionary sword ( Commander's Charge).Chinese officer sword ( Blade of Bastet, Grant's saber, Meteoritic sword).Deathclaw gauntlet ( Unstoppable Monster).The buff effect applied by the Karma syringe barrel only lasts 30 seconds and there is no debuff period after it wears off.One can be found in an overturned truck trailer in the southbound lanes on the middle of the New River Gorge Bridge.Two can be found on tables on the fifth floor in a room on the southwest side with cages and a collapsed floor and ceiling.One can be found on the third floor, on a shelf next to a cage in the first room on the right, coming off the northwest staircase.One can be found in a closet locked by a level 1 terminal on the first floor, in a laboratory on the south side of the floor.This weapon cannot drop as a legendary weapon.Superior magnification and sighted accuracy. Superior sighted accuracy.īetter magnification. Improved focus and better sighted accuracy. Makes the target incredible powerful for 60 Seconds, but incredibly weak for 60 Seconds when it wears off.

fallout 4 syringer mod fallout 4 syringer mod

Reduces target's damage resistance by 25% for 2 minutes.ĭoes 40 points of damage over 10 seconds to target. Chance on death for target to spawn a bloatfly.ĭoes 30 points of damage over 10 seconds to target.

Fallout 4 syringer mod